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编者按:作者对落雪和雪后世界的描写,都很有独到之处。只是篇幅太短了,也观察,也思考,也写文章那个时候,雪就落得更入情理,问好作者! 我说过,我不是善于写景的,但对所遇四季美妙的景致,总是难以压抑内心的激动,那是属于我的真正的内心的清净,不曾被污染过的圣洁之地,令人向往的心灵契约,心向往之,而有神往飘渺之。
深夜的悄悄降临,但还是被你那丝微的声响惊醒,或是心灵感应吧,因为这洁白,,足以窥探世间一切的黑暗,夜不在是夜,,而是白雪映衬下的美妙梦幻,,真想踏雪而出,飘雪覆盖但仍见青绿的草地上,一个人悠闲而又若有所思的踱着步子,“咯吱咯吱……”那声音从脚底延伸,似乎是心灵的脉动,,沿着身体上升,直达灵魂的栖息,美轮美奂的情愫,心灵的叩响,美哉美哉;时而还可以尽情的狂奔,溅起一身的雪花,,加之从天飘飞的雪花,那种淡淡的、轻轻的柔美,,妩媚过后的温柔,弥散全身,让人一次次痴迷陶醉……而这一切,皆有梦生,梦境的回忆,着实可爱。 早晨的大地单调的只剩下白色,但相比11.1的09第一场大雪,这更像是柔美缠绵的爱情,一切的一切都不是轰轰烈烈狂热,只是那种时而飘飞的小雪花,足以点缀爱人的心房,这样的雪意难免让人伤感,应该是凄美的委婉吧,。那雪松上,枯黄的草地上,还有那仅剩点绿意的草坪上,只是薄薄的一层,,淡淡的一抹,甚至掩盖不了大地本身的颜色,但那镶嵌的妩媚后的美丽,更加的动人心魄,,忍不住观雪,忍不住去抚慰严冬的白雪,更忍不住严冬覆盖下倔强的生灵,这才是生命的真谛。 天空还在无精打采的飘落着美丽的六角形雪白,柔美的只想把它拥入怀中,但那终将化为一滩流水,甚至我也想化为一片雪花,随风飘荡,激起无数人心中层层涟漪,那是冬日里最无奈而又最精彩的伴奏,,虽无声无形,但那堆积出来的精彩,绝对世间最美的艺术家,只要轻轻挥挥手,引来人世间风情万种,你的风情,你的妩媚,不愧天下第一。Related articles: ADDU, Maldives, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) -- The prime ministers of India and Pakistan met here Thursday ahead of the opening of the 17th summit of South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani shook hands in front of the media before their talks. The warming ties between India and Pakistan is set to become the focus of the two-day SAARC summit, which kicks off Thursday afternoon, Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said Wednesday. Khar told media on the sidelines of the preliminary meeting of SAARC foreign ministers that she hoped renewed interest in reconciliation between the two nuclear-armed rivals will translate to tangible results in the two days ahead. "Of course with over five decades of issues it is not possible to depart from them overnight but we are keen to build a better relationship so that at some point in the future we can put our contentious past behind us. We have seen that it is possible in other parts of the world," she said. |